
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Things Making Me Happy Right Now

Sometimes I get too wrapped up in my own negativity to see some of the wonderful things in my world. Today, we combat that and say, "To hell with you, negativity!"

1. Waking up with my cat cuddled next to me (or on my hip, depending on the day). I love having a little furry friend keeping me warm at night, and it warms my heart when I wake up and she already wants to spend time with me.

2. The smile I get from my baby girl each morning. I love when I peek over the side of the pnp and she's kicking away, ready to meet the day. When she sees me, I get a big ear-to-ear grin that melts my cold black heart.

3. Pinterest. Seriously.

4. M&Ms. Why not?

5. The flowers blooming in our front yard. I love springtime, and I love watching daffodils and tulips bloom and bring a little color to our home.

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