Being back at work is....interesting. I don't love it. I don't hate it. I mostly feel pretty sad that I have to leave Nanner at home and can't be with her. The build-up was worse than my actual return, and for that I am very thankful.
My classroom is a dream. My sub did an amazing job with the kids, and I'm really pleased about how much was accomplished while I was gone. My classroom has also never been cleaner. Yippee!
I'm still pouring through my work emails. I've got a ton of junk, and it's hard to decide what's worth keeping and taking a second look at. Then there are the time-specific emails that I received, and I can only hope that the out-of-office reply bounced back and the people emailing me were emailing my sub or one of my colleagues. If not...oh well. Not much that can be done about it now, I suppose. ::shrug::
The best part about working is that my baby girl gives me her best smiles of the day twice. Once when I peek into her pack & play in the mornings, and again when she wakes up after the car ride home. I love the look on her face. "Hey! You're back!" As much as it sucks having to leave every morning, coming home is worth it.
I thankfully haven't had a full week yet. I came back Wednesday last week, and we have professional growth days this Friday and next Monday. My first full week back will be the end of March/beginning of April, just in time for parent-teacher conferences! Wooooo....! At least I'll have only a few more weeks until my spring break. The good news about that being so late this year is that the week we're off will (hopefully) be nice and warm. I've been dying to take Hannah on more walks and spend more time outside with her; having a winter baby makes outside activities a non-option for us.
The afternoons have been particularly hard. I can't seem to NOT think about her and not miss her. I'm not teary-eyed, just sad. She's just SUCH a good baby that I feel like I'm missing out on things. If she weren't sleeping or spent the whole day screaming, I'd probably feel a little better about leaving.
It's still a little strange to me that it's mid-March already. I feel like it should be January. On one hand---eeeeeeeeek! Just 10 weeks left before the end of the year! (A few more than that, but ultimately that's what it boils down to). On the other hand-----aaaaaaaaaaaaah! Just 10 weeks left! I counted yesterday, and we have about 55 school days left. Excellent. That's insanely doable.
10 weeks left! I can't believe that! You can do it : )