
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Field Trip!

Holy cow, I am actually writing a post!

Today I led a field trip with my after school group to the Field Museum. We won a grant to explore the museum. The grant covered the bus fee and a box lunch. Admission to the museum is free for local schools, so no problem there.

The purpose of the trip was to explore the Evolving Planet (I think that is the title) exhibit at the museum. That exhibit explains the evolution of life on this planet from its very beginnings to our modern day world. Ninety percent of the artifacts/fossils are authentic and the exhibit does a great job of explaining how life evolved and what forces (both inside and outside the planet) shaped the evolution of the species. The exhibit also highlights the six known mass extinctions (including the current man-made one).

The reason why our students explored this exhibit was to understand how our activities are influencing life on this planet and how important it is for conservation clubs like ours to truly push to make a difference (and why we need everyone's help). Tomorrow at our meeting we will be discussing what we saw and learned and outline things we can continue to do in our community to help create a healthier environment.

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