
Monday, January 18, 2010

I spell my name P-R-O-D-U-C-T-I-V-I-T-Y

Initially I had been hoping to do some service today, but with Graham's birthday this weekend and preparations for our upcoming 8th grade retreat, there just wasn't time to get everything in. That being said, I was of service to my family today.

Today, since I woke up...
  1. I folded and put away a lot of laundry.
  2. I cleaned out the fridge.
  3. I tidied up the living room.
  4. I cleaned up the dining room and unpacked a few more boxes (and put away a lot of random things).
  5. I finally unpacked and set up the china cabinet.
  6. I put away the last of the Christmas decorations that were hiding in the bedroom.
  7. I paid some bills.
  8. I did all my grades for the second quarter.
  9. I helped Graham with the dishes.

After this, I'm going to clean out our humidifier and sweep the kitchen floor, and I'll finally be done for the night. Hooray!

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