
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Weekly Bump Update

Here are a few photos from the last 2 weeks. The first is the 18 week bump taken last Saturday or Sunday (can't remember, it was late). The second was just taken at the tail end of 19 weeks (19 weeks, 5 days) this past Saturday, after a pretty crazy day. We were on our way to Graham's annual family picnic (where I donned my 3rd t-shirt of the day). All in all, a good time aside from the day's events! More on that later.

As you can see, I'm still looking pretty rough! I don't feel glowing or dewey or any of that other crap you're supposed to feel while pregnant. I suppose a lot less stresss at work and some decent sleep would help (and a hell of a lot of makeup), but other than that I'm feeling pretty good. Just trying to enjoy the last few weeks of my summer!


Tell me what you think. For serious.