How far along? 21 weeks, 4 days
How big is baby? Supposedly as long as a carrot and weighing approximately 1 pound.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Shoot, I'm guessing about 7 lbs, total. The bathroom scale lies to me.
Next Appointment: I get to see Doc Holiday in about 2 weeks, provided everything goes well until then.
Maternity Clothes: Indeedy. AND people are finally noticing I'm preggers. According to everyone in Lake Placid, I'm pregnant.
Sleep: Last night was glorious. And I need to be dragged out of bed in the mornings.
Best Moment This Week: Finding out we're having a daughter and feeling her moving all up and down inside me. She's a vicious little kicker, that's for sure.
Annoyance of the Week: Limiting myself to one caffienated beverage a day. Afternoons can be rough.
Movement: Baby likes to travel! On our three (!) different plane rides this week, she kicked and squirmed throughout take off and landing. Makes me wonder if she can feel the changes in cabin pressure or if her ears are popping. And she's been all around my belly after I eat something citrus-y.
Planning/Preparation: Well, now that we have a gender and a name, we were able to finalize our plans for the nursery. In retrospect, the plans weren't going to change much despite baby being a boy or girl, but it's nice to have some basic ideas to put in place. We've probably got to get ourselves registered, eh?
Belly Button In/Out: Ugh, it's flatter everytime I look down. ::tear::
Gender: Girl. Definitely a girl.
What I Miss: This week, multiple sodas a day. I don't know how I'll get through the next 20+ weeks without it.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Cleaning out her bedroom and making some babyish progress in there.
Contractions: Nada.
Milestones?: Getting through 7 days puke free! WOO HOO!!!! I don't want to jinx myself, but 7 puke free days in a row? Sweet. I had some close calls, and I think what I'm finding is that some of my nausea is related to food texture--good to know.
Glad to hear your feeling better! Hope it continues for you! Are you doing a theme for the nursery or just specific colors?