
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Weekly update: 24 weeks

How far along? 24 weeks, 3 days. Whoa.

How big is baby? About 1 1/4 lbs, and about the length of an ear of corn.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Still up 4 lbs. since last month.

Next Appointment: Maybe next week...that's still up in the air.

Maternity Clothes: Or, whatever fits.

Sleep: Better, even though I keep waking up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night. Strangely enough I've been sleeping heavier and more often as school approaches. Is that a sign?

Best Moment This Week: Feeling my mood elevate. Even though I'm being put under a lot of stress at work, I'm trying to not let anything non-essential bother me. It's really helped with my mood.

Annoyance of the Week: Hannah is bouncing up and down on my cervix this week. It took me a day before I could figure out what that pain was! It's not too bad when I'm sitting, and almost undetectible when I'm laying down. Standing, though, is another story. I may never complain about period cramps again if this gets worse!

Movement: Yep! She's kicking me right now, actually. It's rare that she's this active during the day (that I can feel).

Planning/Preparation: Still reading some books and doing some research on post-partum & the baby blues. Hooray for being high-risk for those! Yee haw!

Belly Button In/Out: I don't want to talk about it.
Gender: Girl. Definitely a girl.

What I Miss: My yearly "End of Summer" bottle of wine....

What I'm Looking Forward To: Getting into more of a routine now that school's starting back up.

Contractions: Nada.

Milestones?: Feeling her hiccup during the day. It's the weirdest feeling! I wasn't always sure if it was movement or hiccups, but the more rythmic and timed movements make me confident she inhaled a little too much amniotic fluid and has a bout of the hiccups.

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