
Monday, June 13, 2011


For my very first Mother's Day (recap coming soonish), Graham and Hannah bought me tickets  to see Glee! Live 2011. I was super pumped because I've been in love with Glee since the pilot aired in spring 2009. We missed the concert last year, and Graham surprised me with tickets this year. AWESOME. Let's relive it together.

Obligatory "WOO LOOK AT ME I AM SO EXCITED!" shot.

Woo! Glee Live!!!
 Okay, so there were two shots. Gimme a break. I was P.U.M.P.E.D.

Ready to go!

 We booked it up to the Allstate Arena Rosemont Horizon for the concert, and day-um, dat be a whoooooole lotta woman people.

Damn, that's a lot of people.
 After a looooooongish wait and an opening act that was good but dammit I wanted to see Glee not some dancers, the show finally started.


 First, we were greeted by Sue Sylvester herself, slinging insults to all the idiots who came out to see the show.

Fittingly, the concert began with insults from the queen herself.
 And then it opened with, naturally, Glee's signature song.

"Don't Stop Believin'"

Original six
 I appreciated that it opened with the original six cast members. I'm a purest like that.

But fear not! A few bars later, everyone else joined them on stage, even the much beloved Brittany S. Pierce.

Hey! It's everyone!

Last year, the concert followed a story arc and ran very much like an episode. This year, they launched right into the songs, which I appreciated. Jenna Ushkowitz and Amber Riley did lead vocals on "Dog Days Are Over" from Florence + The Machine.

"Dog Days Are Over"
After that, they ran right into "Sing" from the episode "Anthem" earlier this season. This song did NOT end with Sue punching out a judge or MC. Damn.


 After a brief pause and some "Hey Chicago!"s from the cast, they went right into what everyone was waiting for:

"It's Brittany. Bitch."

"Slave 4 U"
 Really, how could they not? Change of subject: Heather Morris, please eat a sandwich so I don't feel so bad about my big fat ass. Thank you. Sincerely, America.

After that, they brought out Puckerman (what's his name?) to sing one of my favorite songs from the season.

It's PUCK! He was right below us. "Fat Bottomed Girls"
 I really love that song. I sing it to Hannah all the time. Inapprops?

It's Finn, er, Cory Monteith on drums. Who knew?
Then, as the house band likes to say, it was time to slow things down a little. Ladies and Gents, Chris Colfer!

"I Want To Hold Your Hand."

Can I just say how much I love him? Like, for reals. I'll have a million little gay babies if they're all as well spoken as Chris Colfer and/or as fabulous and wonderful as Kurt Hummel.

Next up, Amber's turn at the mic.

"Ain't No Way."
 I was so excited they did this next number. Other Asian Mike Chang is one of my favorite characters.

"P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)

 FYI, I think he dances even better in person. Not that I'm an expert, but I didn't see him stumble or miss a step or hesitate. He just owned it. So awesome.

Last year I was super pissed to have missed "Bad Romance". This year, they gave me my Gaga fix with "Born This Way."

"Born This Way"
 I love the shirts. I kinda want Chris Colfer's, but as a hetero it's sort of a given that I like boys. If I wore "Likes Girls" that could send the wrong message, and not that I mind the gays, but I get hit on every time I wear my rainbow hat. If I wear that shirt I might as well divorce my husband, move to Lakeview, and call it a day.

Shirt cannons during Born This Way.

After thousands of audience members fought for a shot at a shirt shot from a cannon, they let Princess Lea Lea Michele sing the only version of this Katy Perry song I like, and that includes Katy Perry.


Brief pause.....and then....ohmygoshandthen................THE WARBLERS!!!!!!!!

"Teenage Dream"
 Holy crap. I almost wet my pants. They are so good.

Darren Criss. DARREN CRISS. DARREN. CRISS. Oh wow....I really love him. Like in a "Can I please make out with you for 10 minutes and that's all I'll ask forever?" kind of a way.

I'm such a sucker for a guy who can sing. A "puddle of mush" kind of sucker. Just ask anyone from the Quigley Prep Glee Club, circa 2001.

"Silly Love Songs"

He seriously makes me feel like I'm 16 again. It's like it's 2000 and I'm standing at the back door of St. Laurence High School, trying to flirt with the captain on the wrestling team, only he's too in love with his creepily tight suit to notice I'm saying words.

True story.

"Raise Your Glass"

Three songs wasn't enough. I'd totally go to a Warblers concert. Glee? Glee who?

I'm glad they made space in the set list for solos AND duets. Made for a much better concert. AND it meant I got to hear my favorite duet of the season....

"Happy Days Are Here Again/Get Happy"

 Those two have some seeeeeeeeeerious talent.


 They teased us with promises of "Trouty Mouth". I'd pay good money to hear that song, followed by "Big Ass Heart" and "Hell to the No." Classics, man. Respect the classics.

Instead, Dianna Agron and Chord Overstreet sang 'Lucky'. I'll take it.

 ....followed by that one Celine Dion song.  I really can't stand Celine Dion.

"River Deep, Mountain High"
 While actors changed costumes, they brought out Brittany and "Blaine Warbler" to entertain the audience.

Brittany woos 'Blaine Warbler'

Maybe it's because I couldn't hear a damn thing, but I didn't think their dialogue was that funny. Heather Morris has had much better to work with on the show. BUT, since it's Blaine and Brittany, they could have stood on stage speaking Klingon and the fans would have eaten it up.

Is Blaine going to leave Dalton and join Glee????
 Some costume changes and a brief respite later, and it was Cory's turn.

"Jesse's Girl"
 And then time for another decent solo:

 Since the entire premise of Glee is about joy and embracing yourself, how could they NOT sing 'Loser Like Me'?

"Loser Like Me"

We've all been slushied.
 A friend went to see the afternoon show and told me, "You're going to think they're done, but they're not done. Stay in that seat!!!" Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I'm glad I took her advice (though I had no intention of leaving until I was forcibly removed from the arena because I'm creepy).

"Single Ladies"
 This is probably the most beloved Glee sketch of all time. Sorry, Kanye. Here's a mic, and I'ma letchu finish....

They sang the next song even though Friday was the day before.

 Note: it was even more infuriating in slow-mo.

 After "Friday", they let Kevin McHale out of his cage wheelchair and he actually got to dance.

"Safety Dance"
 Note: He can DANCE. Like, watch out Brittany. I was impressed.

They followed up that number with a reminder that they went to NYC in the last ep.

"Empire State of Mind"
 And to close out the show, they brought back a showstopper from season one.

"Somebody to Love"

A big ole flashy finale.
 When they finally turned on the lights, I was displeased. I wanted more Glee. Glee makes me happy. Lights made me sad.

But it was still a really good show! Yay Glee!

Afterwards, we met up with Graham's cousin Rebecca. She was the next section over with her boyfriend Mike. Small world, eh?

Because I'm a sheep, I got a foam finger. Whatever. You're jealous.

All in all, it was a really fun concert and a great night out. I'd definitely go to another Glee concert, especially next year. Looks like most of the principle cast will be graduating, so it very well may be their last concert as a cast. It was suuuuuuuuuuuuper fun and, as I am a humongo nerd, I had a great time. Teenage girl: engaged.


  1. Ha! That was awesome to read!

    A. Who knew the Warblers would be there? I loved their "Teenage Dream."

    B. Rosemont it!

    C. I missed an great show...jealous!

  2. Your post about this show is the bestest post ever.
    Also, I'm JEALOUS you got a foam finger! I wanted one SO BAD. I also wanted to stick around and see the cast outside with the rest of the 14 year olds.... That concert was AMAZING. You and I need to meet up and GUSH over it.


Tell me what you think. For serious.